The long term study is over, and I've had lots of people asking how it's gone. Well, after reviewing the results I would have to say they have been a little disappointing. I probably have spent nearly $1000 in Xypex and PeelAway, and I have acid washed and used a grinder to clean the walls. As I've mentioned before after I preped the surface and applied the Xypex, I still had some efflorescence coming through the walls after a couple of months. Now nearly a year later, I've had large areas of Xypex peeling off the walls. After some reflection and a look at some costs I've decided to go another way.
Ta-Da! Wallmate, by Dow Corning. I put this up, about 26 sheets, in about 4 hours, by my self, with a powder actuated nailer and cost under $300. Drywall estimates are about $500 to $700. The estimates are about a $1.25 per square foot to hang and finish. My wife was duly impressed when she came home from work one day. I really wanted the two inch, but it was hard to find so I ended up with the 1.5 inch and it's been an incredible improvement. It’s already warm and much quieter. Just rest your back against the walls and you feel hot in only a minute.
The powder nailer worked great. I would recommend spending the extra bucks and get the trigger fired. I had trouble hitting the hammer fired while I was holding two sheets and a furring strip. Also sometime the charge would fall out. The trigger helped out big time. For my 70 year old concrete block walls I used 2.5 inch nails and a charge rating of 3. The nailer is made by Remington. Most of the nails a properly countersunk, but I’ve had a few which I just tapped in the rest of the way with a hammer.